Watchtower Tools

Monitoring solution for a Cardano node


Watchtower Tools solution is created and developed for Cardano Stake Pool Operators (SPO), especially single SPO. It provides a simple-to-use monitoring toolset and as a result, it helps improve the overall Cardano network security and reliability, and here is why

  • solution will increase operator awareness about the node state
  • it will provides the possibility to check the node state on the go without access to PC or Mac
  • operator will be able to set up and tune any custom alerts to cover own monitoring needs
  • solution will send immediate notifications to multiple destinations in case of any alert is triggered
  • SPO needs this solution to track the stake pool nodes. Usual stake pool delegators will be able to use this application too to track their favorite Stake Pools.

IMPORTANT! Watchtower Tools is in active development phase, use it at your own risk or wait till stable release. If you want to support our development, feel free to delegate your ADA to our Cardano node [BKV] or donate ADA (or other Cardano tokens) directly to our wallet $bkv-pool

Our goals

Our solution will provide easy to use monitoring toolset for SPO (especially single SPO) and as a result, it will improve the overall Cardano network security and reliability, and here is why

  • solution increases awareness about the node state
  • provides the possibility to check the node state on the go without access to PC or Mac
  • setup and tune any custom alerts to cover your own monitoring needs
  • immediate notifications to multiple destinations in case of any alert is triggered

Technical overview

  • there are no custom server components, we use Prometheus server as a back-end
  • the mobile app will be developed using Flutter and be available on iOS/Android/Mac/Windows/Linux
  • our solution is open source and will stay forever

We will need from 4 to 6 months to finalize all the components and deliver the mobile app.

Publishing mobile applications on the Apple AppStore and Google Play Store will be the sign of delivering a solution (but not the end, we still have plenty of ideas).

We will be glad if the SPO community will use our solution to monitor their nodes, we hope that we will have hundreds of users

The solution repository

We started developing our solution as an open source project from the very beginning, check our GitHub repository:

Advantages compared to current node monitoring tools

  • monitoring node parameters and availability on the go in mobile application
  • immediate notifications to the mobile app in case if something goes wrong (or right :)
  • customizable parameters for the notification with flexible tuning

As we are managing our own node [BKV], we will be the first who will use and test all the components and mobile app, and we surely understand the need for SPO.